Saturday, January 10, 2009

Top 10 Saturday is here again

This top 10 is the top 10 best sit-com episodes. This was a tough one, there are alot of good episodes. But these just make me happy when it's one of these that are on. I have the name of the show, name of the episode, discription of the episode.
  1. The Wonder Years (pilot) Kevin's first day of jr. high school
  2. M*A*S*H* (Abyssinia Henry) Col Blake dies "it spun in, there were no survivors"
  3. Newhart (The Last Newhart) The whole series has been a dream
  4. The Wonder Years (Goodbye) Kevin befriends a teacher, Mr. Collins, then gets mad at him, then the teacher passes away
  5. Taxi (Rev Jim: A Space Odyssey) Jim takes a driving test...."What does a yellow light mean?"
  6. Roseanne (A Stash From The Past) Roseanne finds Darlene's pot, but surprise! it's hers & Dans from years before.
  7. Roseanne (The Commercial Show) The family does a commercial for Rodbell's Lunchonette/the Bowman's move back to Chicago
  8. Macolm in the Middle (Bowling) what happens when the dad takes the boys bowling/what happens when the mom takes them bowling
  9. M*A*S*H* (Tuttle) Hawkeye makes up a fake doctor, then kills him off. "there was a little bit of Tuttle in all of us"
  10. Wings (Das Plane) Joe has to fly Crabby Carlton accross the country, due to Brians's error. .."Maybe it was Las Cruces?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still get tears in my eyes when I think of the Col. Blake Mash Episode, and just reading those words...There were no survivors... makes your heart sink. Now on the other had, "Stash from the Past"...hillarious!!! I haven't seen all of these, but this is a great list!!