Saturday, February 28, 2009

Top Ten Saturday

This week's top 10 is a little different. It's not about movies or tv. This week's is my favorite candy bars (we talked about candy bars a little at Becki's on Monday).

  1. Reese's Peanut Butter cups
  2. 3 Musketeers
  3. Kitkat
  4. Crunch or Krackel
  5. 100 Grand Bar
  6. Hershey Bar
  7. Butterfinger Crisp
  8. Snickers
  9. Whatchamacallit
  10. Milky Way

Friday, February 27, 2009

Some DAD pictures

Here are some pictures of dad. The top picture was taken at his parents 25th Anniversary. The 2nd picture was from his confirmation. 3rd picture was taken with his brother's (Marvin) gun while Marvin was away in the Army. 4th is with his brother Marvin. Bottom picture is a school picture. Dad said only 2 of these kids graduated high school (1 moved, so she could have). The kid on the left is Chester Schmidt, the kid on the right died in the Korean War.
Also I just found out that Dad's real name in Dwayne. His mother liked it better so she changed it (but not officially). On his 7th grade report card it says Dwayne, on his 8th grade r.c. in says DuWayne. But dad thought the change came earlier.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New business

Just to let you all know, I have been looking into owning a business. I think I have found one. It's a liquor store located at 2222 & 35. The owner hurt his back & can't do much with the store anymore. Today I gave them an offer. Should hear back probably on Monday. I have to get all the licensees which I should be able to get approve for that. I am worried about the lease company. Hopefully you don't need perfect credit. These pictures are from the store. I am going to put more grocery items in (snacks). It also has 450 sq ft of space not being used. I will let you know what happens.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This week's caption the picture

The top picture is this week's picture that needs to to be captioned. The bottom picture is last's weeks. Here are the captions I got for that one:
  1. "Ok, I'm ready for my audition for "The Flying Nun!"...Dawn
  2. Despite being subjected to extreme abuse by his sisters when he was a child, Troy did not grow up to be a serial killer...Don
  3. Dear Diary, the next time Becki says, "Troy come in here for a second" away!....troy

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here are more pictures from our trip to Montana/ Yellowstone Park.
In other news...I got all 7 Oscar picks right on my last blog. Surprise the heck out of me. But over all I got 13 right & 11 wrong.
Also, to the right of the page, I added parenting humor. Some are funny, some are dumb.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The winner is.....

The Oscars are tonight. Here are my picks for 7 of the categories. You can laugh at me later when I miss all of them.

Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

Best Actor: Sean Penn

Best Actress: Kate Winslet

Best Sup. Actor: Heath Ledger

Best Sup Actress: Penelope Cruz

Best Animated movie: Wall-E

Direrctor: Danny Boyle (Slumdog)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Top 10 Saturday

This week's top 10 is the best Stephen King movies or mini-series made from his stories. There has been 48 movies made from his work. I have seen 20 of them. Some populars movies I have not scene are "The Green Mile" & "Dolores Claiborne"

  1. Stand By Me (1986)
  2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
  3. Carrie (1976)
  4. The Dead Zone (1984)
  5. Misery (1990)
  6. It (1990)
  7. The Shinning (1980)
  8. Silver Bullet (1983)
  9. Pet Sematary (1989)
  10. The Mist (2007)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bottom of page

Every time you go come to this site, please go to the bottom of the page. I added "Random thoughts of the day". Hopefully they are funny & entertaining.

just some funny pictures

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gaption the picture

Thank you for everyone who submitted a caption for the picture with dad in it. I think it was a tough one, but you sent some good captions. The top picture is the new picture that needs a caption. If you think of 1 (or 2) please send them to me.
Here are the captions for the bottom picture in no particular order.
  1. Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man. (ZZ Top)..Don
  2. "I told you not to turn around." (Sodom and Gomorrah)...Don
  3. "There you are my good luck charm. Now we can get down to some serious poker playing"...Becki
  4. "She didn't slap my face when I flirted with her"...Dad
  5. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"...Troy

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Times have changs

I found these 2 ads on the web. Just imagine if a company tried to use these ads now. People would be up in arms.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chicago trip

These were taken on our trip to Chicago, but I am not sure on the year. My guess would be 1972. The friend with Dawn was Debbie. Mom was driving when the station wagon got a flat on the toll way.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


This top ten list is the best tv sit-com catch phrases. There were many to choose from. The phrase could have been said once, or many, many times.

Listed is the phrase, the character that said it, tv show it came from.

  1. Whatchoo talkin' about Willis?...Arnold (Diff'rent Strokes)
  2. Kiss my grits!...Flo (Alice)
  3. Of course not, don't be ridiculous..Balki (Perfect Strangers)
  4. Sit on it!...everyone on Happy Days
  5. Na-nu na-nu & Shazbot...Mork (Mork & Mindy)
  6. As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly...Mr. Carlson (WKRP in Cincinnati)
  7. Norm!...everyone (Cheers)
  8. Did I do that?...Urkel (Family Matters)
  9. Hi, I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl & this is my other brother Darryl...Larry (Newhart)
  10. Up your nose with a rubber hose...Vinnie (Welcome Back Kotter)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rochester trip: 1968

These pictures were taken in 1968 on a trip to Rochester, Minn. Look on those faces of these kids and see how miserable they are without there brand new baby brother they left at home. But they did not realize he was planning revenge...which was HE will be the only child taken to Disney World, 12 years later.
NOTE: Look at the middle picture. Looks like Becki is reading a teen magazine. I wonder if Peter Noone was on the cover?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Caption the pic

Becki had a very good idea...Once a week, I am going to put on this page a picture, it's up to you all to caption the picture. email me ( your caption for it. The following week, I will display all the captions. (if you don't want your name attached to it, please let me know).

Here is this weeks picture.......

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another year older

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL! Hope you have a great Birthday.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The MWF (Muehring Wrestling Federation)

I know some of these are pretty old, but I am sure that I won all the fights.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I thought this was funny

Always check your child's homework before they take it to school!

Note sent BACK to the teacher the next school day... Sorry, Ms. James. That's NOT me pole dancing onstage in a strip joint! I work at Homebase and that's me selling a shovel. (signed) Mrs. Smith